CVSProtocol - a cvs protocol handler for windows programs

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Based on the idea and the sources of the Protocol handler for Visual SourceSafe by by Victor Vogelpoel, I developed a protocol handler for cvs.

Using this protocol handler, you can retrieve any file out of a cvs repository and view this file in the associated program.

Installation and use

All informations are stored in the Windows registry under this registry key:


Registering the protocol handler

Actually, the "CVS:" protocol is similar to the "MAILTO:" protocol. Based on the researches of Victor Vogelpoel (see Protocol handler for Visual SourceSafe) the following Windows registry entries are needed:



(Default) = "URL:CVS Protocol"

URL Protocol = ""


(Default) = "CVSProtocol.exe"




(Default) = "c:\whatever\CVSProtocol.exe "%1""

Invoking cvs


About the author

The author, Karsten Fusenig is working as a freelancer since 5 years.

You can reach him via the e-mail address

CVSProtocol on Sourceforge
Homepage of the author
Protocol handler for Visual SourceSafe